7 Ways RTLS Software Improves Healthcare with Application Interoperability

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7 Ways RTLS Software Improves Healthcare with Application Interoperability

As the healthcare sector continuously adopts new technologies to improve care, a careful examination of the effectiveness of digital advancements becomes imperative. Amid this review, the convergence of Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS) health care, automation, and application interoperability emerges as a transformative influence, redefining the operational landscape of healthcare facilities.

What is Interoperability in RTLS healthcare?

In healthcare, interoperability denotes the capacity of diverse information technology systems and software applications to communicate, exchange data, and utilize the shared information efficiently.

This involves some choke points like the seamless sharing of health information among various healthcare systems, encompassing electronic health record (EHR) systems, medical devices, and other health information technologies.

The integration of location services

The incorporation of location technologies, real time tracking, status, and sensory data into existing technological frameworks is key for achieving improved location accuracy. This integration serves as a central requirement, facilitating the efficient coordination of diverse components within the system. By strategically merging location data with pre-existing technological investments, healthcare facilities can optimize operational processes and enhance the experience of caregivers and improve patient care.

With this foundational understanding, let’s delve into the pivotal role that healthcare RTLS system plays within this framework. We will highlight the top 7 aspects of the use of RTLS in healthcare that affirm its significance within the broader context of interoperability and its transformative impact in the respective industry.

1. Unified Integration Standards

A RTLS healthcare system should smoothly sync with and enhance the current technologies and IT infrastructure in healthcare settings. It ought to seamlessly meld into the existing IT framework, creating a fluid and engaging partnership with other technological components used in the healthcare facility. This ensures a seamless exchange of information among diverse healthcare systems, streamlining the often-tricky process of integrating data in healthcare environments.

2. User-Friendly Adoption

Streamlining workflows becomes more than a convenience when healthcare RTLS applications can prioritize user-friendly features to accelerate adoption. By minimizing training periods and creating an environment favorable to technology acceptance, healthcare staff can efficiently incorporate healthcare RTLS solutions and RTLS technology into their routines, leading to increased productivity and satisfaction.

3. Resource Optimization

Beyond its real-time tracking capabilities, effective healthcare real time location services address the challenge of resource optimization. By providing insights into asset utilization, staff allocation, and equipment availability, healthcare facilities can minimize unnecessary expenses, ensuring a more efficient allocation of resources.

4. Real-Time Patient Data Access

The automatic integration of location data with Electronic Health Records (EHR) is likely the most critical of all. This integration empowers healthcare providers with timely and accurate information, enabling them to make informed decisions promptly. Through received signals in real-time, they bridge the gap between RTLS healthcare systems and EHR, further enhancing patient care and contributing to more efficient and effective healthcare delivery. This advanced integration can also automatically populate billing and coding needs natively, saving administrative time and ensuring invoicing is accurate.

5. Facilitated Communication

Integrating functionalities such as nurse call systems and staff duress alerts with the RTLS network adds an additional layer of communication efficiency. Through the use of active RFID tags and RTLS for urgent care, this ensures that healthcare staff can promptly respond to patient needs or emergencies. RFID tags communicated via infrared IR to further enhance the overall responsiveness and effectiveness of healthcare delivery.

One study showed that the majority of a nurse’s time, specifically 38.6% (equivalent to 214.2 minutes), was observed to be spent at the nurse station, with less than one-third (171 minutes) allocated in the patient room. This highlights an opportunity for healthcare RTLS software to play a crucial role in optimizing a nurse’s time, redirecting their efforts towards more valuable actions.

6. Proactive Security Measures

In healthcare settings, health and safety RTLS systems should make security a top priority. They safeguard both staff and patient information, keep tabs on activities, and offer administrators improved visibility. This enhanced visibility empowers administrators to take proactive measures, ensuring comprehensive safety and adherence to data protection standards.

7. Strategic Investment

Viewing RTLS for healthcare solutions as strategic investments involves aligning them with the long-term vision and goals of healthcare facilities. Beyond immediate gains, this approach considers the scalability, adaptability, and future-proofing of the technology, ensuring that the investment continues to add value as the healthcare landscape evolves.

Technology Talks: BLE 5.1 in RTLS for Hospitals for Simplicity and Affordability

At the core of the user-friendly and cost-effective nature of RTLS healthcare applications lies Bluetooth Low Energy 5.1 (BLE). This technology not only guarantees technical robustness but also ensures compatibility with ease. BLE 5.1, with its array of versatile RTLS tags, minimal power consumption, and extensive compatibility, serves as the foundational element enabling healthcare RTLS applications to seamlessly integrate into healthcare settings. This harmonious integration is a testament to the interoperability facilitated by BLE 5.1, providing both technical excellence and adaptability within the healthcare environment.

SEE ALSO: https://penguinin.com/ultra-wideband-uwb-vs-bluetooth-low-energy-ble-5-1/

Penguin Location Service ™

In the realm of healthcare, the thoughtful application of real-time tracking can make a significant impact on staff and patient safety, as well as operational efficiency. This is where Penguin steps into space, offering a thoughtful approach to healthcare. PenTrack, a family of products and mobile devices, is caringly designed to provide not just prompt but also cost-effective results. We offer the necessary hardware and software along with our advanced AI-powered location engine, ensuring efficiency and precision. Our solutions seamlessly integrate into physical and software environments with minimal disruption, aligning perfectly with diverse settings.

Discover the thoughtful future of healthcare with Penguin. Book your free consultation today: [email protected]


1. Hendrick A, Chow M, Skierczynski B, and Lu Z. A 36-Hospital Time and Motion Study: How Do Medical-Surgical Nurses Spend Their Time? The Permanente Journal. 2008;12(3):25–34.


RTLS – Minimize the Risk of Healthcare-associated Infections (HAI)

Healthcare facilities constantly strive to enhance patient safety and minimize the risk of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS) have emerged as a valuable technology in this quest, offering innovative solutions to monitor and manage various aspects of hospital operations.

The Burden of Healthcare-Associated Infections

HAIs pose a serious threat to patient well-being, adding to the complexity and cost of healthcare delivery. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately one in 31 hospitalized patients in the United States acquires at least one HAI [1]. These infections not only compromise patient recovery but also strain healthcare resources.

Read more about the CDC guidelines

How do RTLS Solutions Operate? And which technology is the most suitable?

Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS) employ various technologies to implement location-based solutions. Each technology has its merits and drawbacks primarily based on the accuracy at cost tradeoff (initial investment and operational). Example RTLS technologies include Ultra-wideband (UWB), Ultra-sonic, Infra-Red and RFID.

In our pursuit of an optimal solution, PenguinIN has developed its own RTLS solution using Bluetooth Low Energy 5.1 (BLE 5.1) with healthcare in mind. Today, PenguinIN’s sub-meter positioning accuracy is the underlying enabler for HAI prevention solution offered by PenguinIN.

Learn more: BLE 5.1 vs UWB

RTLS applications for minimizing the risk of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs)

Asset Tracking:

RTLS systems assist in monitoring the movement and usage of medical equipment, ensuring that devices are properly cleaned and disinfected between uses. By maintaining a digital record of equipment locations and usage, healthcare facilities can implement stringent protocols for equipment hygiene, reducing the risk of cross-contamination.

People Tracking

Real-time location tracking of patients allows healthcare providers to monitor their movements throughout the facility. This is particularly crucial in quarantine scenarios where isolating patients with contagious diseases is necessary. RTLS systems enhance the ability to implement effective isolation measures, limiting the spread of infections within the hospital environment.

Staff Monitoring:

Healthcare professionals play a pivotal role in preventing the transmission of infections. RTLS systems enable the tracking of staff movements, ensuring that hygiene protocols are adhered to consistently. This includes monitoring hand hygiene compliance and optimizing workflows to minimize unnecessary exposure to infectious agents.

Workflow Optimization:

RTLS technology helps streamline hospital workflows by providing real-time insights into the movement of patients, staff, and equipment. By optimizing the flow of people and resources, healthcare facilities can reduce congestion, improve response times, and ultimately enhance infection control measures.


By leveraging the capabilities of real-time location tracking, hospitals can implement proactive measures to reduce the risk of infections, improve patient safety, and enhance overall operational efficiency. This is where PenguinIN comes in. Our adopted technology (PenTrack) is mastered to ensure swift and affordable solutions. We provide the hardware, and grant accesses to our state-of-the-art algorithms that insure efficient and accurate results. Integrating seamlessly into physical and software environments to accommodate our solutions with near zero-overhead.

Get a free consultation today: [email protected]

CBAHI – Focus Areas and Solutions

Under the tight monitoring of the Central Board for Accreditation of Healthcare Institutes (CBAHI), Saudi Arabia is transforming and revolutionizing the healthcare standards across all medical and healthcare institutes to ensure alignment with the 2030 vision of the kingdom.

In the following article, we reflect on certain aspects of the CBAHI accreditation standards, and how PenguinIN can support you with not only complying but leveraging top-notch technology advancements to be ahead in your healthcare services institute’s offerings quality and operational excellence.


Executive Roles & Duties:

The following criteria have been identified as KPIs for execs to focus on:

  • Ensuring the provision of medicines, equipment and the entire supply chain for the facility
  • Collaborating with all departments to elevate the quality of the facility’s work & standards for hospitals.
  • Constantly monitoring and evaluating the state of the facility building
  • Reducing the waste of the institute’s medical resources

Today’s technology help execs by automating monitoring and reporting on different aspects of their facilities and workforce. Being informed will help in better decision-making and response times. Whether it is to determine asset utilization, attendance compliance, facility upkeep or practitioner response time, collected allows execs to build ROI-driven decision-making. PenguinIN has the tools to help execs make informed decisions.


Infection control and Hand Hygiene:

Once again, ESR CBAHI is bringing the attention of operators on the issue of hand hygiene by requiring

  • A multidisciplinary committee that provides oversight of the infection prevention and control program
  • Putting in place sterilization, disinfection and hand cleaning compliance procedures
  • Proper use of equipment and supplies to prevent infections and provide them adequately

The issue of hand hygiene has undoubtedly become central to any infection control program.
“A key use case that has tangible ROI is hand hygiene compliance. Being able to know who went where and when are keys to ensuring that compliance rules are adhered to”

Dr Mohammed Smadi, CEO of PenguinIN.


Through original research and strategic partnerships, PenguinIN has arrived at a cost-effective solution that is applicable to the retrofit scenario where existing dispenser can be upgraded to offer hand hygiene compliance at individual and ward levels.  Additional benefits include automating the workflow around dispenser replenishment and utilization.


Patient Experience & Safety:

Patient centricity is a key element in CBAHI accreditation.  Two key pillars are safety and experience. Putting what might be taken for granted in writing, CBAHI has highlighted the following points as drivers for patient safety:

  • The hospital must have a process to prevent wrong patients, wrong sites & and wrong surgery/procedure
  • The hospital has a process to ensure the correct identification of patients
  • Adding a layer of compliance and traceability reduces unintentional errors. PenguinIN allows for tracking patients and staff to schedule and physical areas to ensure that the entire flow and interactivity are captured in real-time and for historical review.


To reduce medical errors, ESR CBAHI has required clear access and egress wayfinding for authorized hospital staff and availing wayfinding boards and enquiry points at entrances.

PenguinIN offers digital wayfinding with a customizable directory listing that is easy to upgrade in multiple languages with options to push infotainment messages which may be related to a particular patient (e.g. while waiting) or department.  In addition to offering a noticeable improvement in the patient experience, such solutions result in a meaningful reduction in missed appointments as well and can be tied with a patient reminder solution.


Medical Assets Supply & Tracking:

  • Provision of medical supplies by the healthcare facility management
  • Storing and stocking of medical supplies & equipment according to factory conditions & instructions
  • Regular inspection procedures from the healthcare facility management
  • Ensure the protection of medical supplies from theft or damage
  • Disposal of damaged & expired supplies
  • Reduce the waste of healthcare facility resources


Effective medical asset tracking and management are crucial for ensuring patient safety, reducing costs, complying with legal regulations, and improving the quality of patient care in the healthcare setting, hence, PenguinIN has special R&D activities on the family products of “PenTrack”, providing not only pin-point location of assets proximity of things but extends to featuring advanced AI Indoor analytics of data, defined business rules and trigger actions based on automatic detection of these specific conditions.


Dental Clinics standards updates:


  • The facility must activate the staff health and safety program
  • Immediate and consistent sanitation for doctors, nurses & medical equipment

Solutions developed by PenguinIN, including Duress Call solutions that ensure medical staff safety and security, and medical equipment asset tracking and monitoring are among our top-rated solutions, with solutions implementation ease, utilizing existing Wi-Fi network, and or using simple on-premises BLE/Bluetooth based solution.


Enhancing Operational Readiness

  • Neonatal tracking system (to protect against abduction)
  • Tracking the sterilization of medical equipment
  • Nurse tracking to support nurse calling systems and nurse safety
  • Equipment dwell times in dirty and clean rooms
  • System to support facility managers in tracking and scheduling maintenance for medical equipment

These are interesting technology evolution times, and PenguinIN is proud to be working with healthcare providers in Saudi Arabia to address these challenges.

To learn more about how PenguinIN can help your facility, reach out today at [email protected]


About PenguinIN 

PenguinIN is a leading indoor positioning and IoT use cases provider, headquartered in Irvine, California, with a regional office in Dubai. The company creates digital parallels for physical spaces to optimize day-to-day processes and create unique experiences for visitors and operators. PenguinIN leverages all available radio and sensor information to provide state-of-the-art indoor positioning information to build ROI-driven use cases, with solutions that have already been proven successful in some of the world’s most challenging environments.

The Saudi Central Board for Accreditation of Healthcare Institutions (CBAHI) is the official agency authorized to grant accreditation certificates to all governmental and private healthcare facilities operating today in Saudi Arabia. Essential Safety Requirements (ESR CBAHI) has emerged from the Saudi Health Council as a non-profit organization. The principal function of CBAHI accreditation is to set the healthcare quality and patient safety standards against which all healthcare facilities are evaluated for evidence of compliance.


(*) References:

  • Close QM.18, ESR Book, National Essential Safety Requirements by CBAHI.
  • Close QM.17, ESR Book, National Essential Safety Requirements by CBAHI.
  • Close IPC.4, ESR Book, National Essential Safety Requirements by CBAHI.
  • Twitter Official Account Announcements by CBAHI: