Workflow – Optimize operations through efficient workflow management

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Optimize operations through efficient workflow management.

What is Workflow?

The Workflow solution utilizes advanced location engine, tags, sensors, and heat maps to track staff, patient, and visitor movements. This comprehensive approach optimizes operations, enhances productivity, and facilitates informed management decisions with rich data.

Workflow Use Cases

The Workflow solution uses wireless, wearable tags that communicate with sealing mount sealing locators powered by advanced AI-powered location engines. Like all Penguin solutions, it's customizable and scalable, enabling facilities to track employee, patient, and visitor movements efficiently. With playback options, you can review personnel movements easily.

The Penguin's approach to people locating focuses on the following elements:

  • Accuracy
  • Ease of use
  • Solution-oriented
  • Affordability

Considering this, our solution is centered on the utilization of BLE 5.1, the most recent version in the BLE series.

Why BLE 5.1?

BLE technology, now enhanced by economies of scale, is ideal for indoor tracking solutions. Previous BLE versions lacked necessary accuracy for detailed location needs. However, the new BLE 5.1 standard enables Penguin AI's location engine to achieve sub-meter accuracy using affordable, standard tags—a breakthrough previously only achievable with costly hardware. This ensures a strong ROI and promotes broader adoption of real-time tracking. Additionally, leveraging standard radio for RTLS infrastructure benefits other IoT applications, like environmental sensing and security.

Related article:

BLE 5.1 vs UWB

How it works?

BLE 5.1 tags emit continuous tone (CTE) which is sampled by our locators and passed to our location engine which in turn calculates the location of the tracked tag. The location is shared with software applications to build use-case-specific solutions or with 3rd party systems over APIs.

A bundle of use-cases

PenTrack delivers precise location services with sub-meter accuracy, utilizing cost-effective, standard technology. It is bundled with ready-to-use solutions. Let's collaborate to discover how we can tackle more and new real-world challenges together.

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Penguin Location Services - ROI

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