PenSafe – Location-enabled enterprise safety applications

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Location-enabled enterprise safety applications. Simplified.

Streamlined Smart Safety Solutions with High Accuracy.

PenSafe applies business rules to real-time location of people and assets with room and sub-room level accuracies to create safe environments in healthcare, education, and industry. PenSafe is enabled by Penguin's patented algorithms and cost-effective BLE 5.1 hardware. For healthcare, the PenSafe solutions can improve patient safety, protect staff and nurses under duress and reduce risk of patient elopement and wandering.

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Workforce Safety | Staff Duress

The Workforce Safety is a badge-based panic alerting platform for your team to summon for help if they face workplace emergencies. The system is supported by location technology to ensure a rapid response in dangerous scenarios. The safety solution is often deployed to protect staff and nurses under duress, as well as keep high-risk patients from wandering.

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Infant Protection

PenSafe's Infant Protection solution utilizes a secure anklet for newborns and a wearable for parents. It operates on a mix of business rules and geo-fencing, instantly alerting if the infant moves beyond a predefined area or if a protocol is breached. Additionally, PenSafe integrates with third-party systems, including access control and public announcement systems, for enhanced security.

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Wander Prevention

PenSafe's Wander Prevention solution is designed to safeguard vulnerable groups such as memory-loss and behavioral health patients. By leveraging our location technology, PenSafe offers continuous monitoring and immediately notifies caregivers or appropriate staff if established boundaries are crossed.

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Hand Hygiene Compliance

PenSafe's Hand Hygiene Compliance provides a digital solution to track and enhance hand hygiene practices, a crucial aspect of infection control efforts. By integrating dispenser sensors with real-time staff location tracking, it delivers essential visibility for effective monitoring. The solution can also be configured with business rules to send alerts in case of any protocol violations.

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Safety in Education

PenSafe introduces an advanced alert system for emergencies in educational institutions, designed to expedite law enforcement response times. Tailored for environments with a significant staff presence, PenSafe employs economical BLE location-enabled tags equipped with panic buttons. The system can additionally leverage existing Wi-Fi infrastructure.

Solutions for education

Who does PenSafe benefit most?

Hospital Administrators

Oversight on compliance with safety and hygiene protocols.

Facility Managers

In both educational and healthcare settings, easier management of safety protocols and infrastructure.

Law Enforcement and Emergency Responders

Faster and more precise information about emergencies in educational and healthcare facilities for quicker response and intervention.

Parents and Family Members

Peace of mind knowing that schools and healthcare facilities are equipped with systems to protect their loved ones.

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