Airport Wayfinding: A Tool for Enhanced Airport Experience

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Airport Wayfinding: A Tool for Enhanced Airport Experience

As an airport operator, ensuring passenger satisfaction, efficiency, and effective workflow management is crucial. With advancements in technology, airport wayfinding systems are revolutionizing operations, promising significant improvements in both passenger experience and operational efficiency.

Key Questions for Airport Operators

Passenger Satisfaction:

How satisfied are your passengers? How do your travelers rate the services they receive at the airport? Which strategies do you employ to increase passenger satisfaction?

Passenger satisfaction is a critical metric for any airport. Studies have shown that 67% of travelers would travel more frequently if the airport and pre-flight experience were improved (MTT, 2014). Additionally, data shows that extremely satisfied passengers tend to spend twice as much at the airport (Michael Taylor, J.D. Power, 2016). Thus, improving the overall passenger experience not only enhances satisfaction but also boosts revenue.

Smartphones for Better Experiences:

Does your airport leverage passengers’ smartphones for better connectivity?

The integration of smart devices can significantly enhance the passenger experience. From real-time flight updates to personalized notifications, smart devices ensure passengers are well-informed and guided throughout their journey, reducing stress and improving satisfaction.

Efficiency and Workflow:

Which strategies do you use to improve efficiency and workflow? How do you ensure that every staff member is at the designated locations?

Staff management is a key driver for smooth operations at airports, where employee availability at designated locations directly impacts utilization and response times.

Advertising Strategies:

How do advertisers at the airport currently promote? Do they use physical or digital advertising? Do you benefit from their revenue?

Advertising at airports can be a significant revenue stream. Transitioning from traditional physical ads to digital signage in airports not only increases engagement but also offers real-time analytics to measure the effectiveness of campaigns. Proper application of airport wayfinding apps and digital signage may influence passenger spending behavior. Airports need to leverage data-driven insights to tailor promotions and offers that resonate with travelers, thereby enhancing their shopping experience.

Market Trends:

The need for improved airport experiences is underscored by market trends. As mentioned earlier, 67% of travelers would travel more if the airport experience improved (MTT, 2014). Moreover, there is a strong correlation between passenger satisfaction and spending, with highly satisfied passengers spending twice as much (Michael Taylor, J.D. Power, 2016). Efficient passenger flow is also crucial, as evidenced by Heathrow Airport’s calculations, where late-running passengers cause significant delays, costing millions annually (Telegraph, 2013).

Solutions from Penguin Location Services

Penguin Location Services offers innovative solutions tailored to address these challenges, enhancing both passenger experience and operational efficiency.

Indoor Airport Wayfinding:

Guide passengers inside complex airport facilities using static and real-time navigation. This feature ensures passengers can easily find their way using modern wayfinding signage, reducing anxiety and improving satisfaction.

Queue Optimization:

Dispatch passengers to the right check-in or security counter to shorten queue lengths and check-in times. Efficient queue management minimizes wait times and enhances passenger flow.

Parking Reminder:

Allow travelers to pin their car once they arrive at the airport. Assist your passengers in finding their vehicle’s parking lot after their travels. This feature alleviates the common stress of locating parked vehicles, especially after long trips.

Automated Attendance and Staff Tracking:

Benefit from staff automated attendance functionality, such as check-in and check-out times at particular counters. Send automatic alerts for late or missing staff to managers, or even track staff across large areas. This ensures optimal staffing and timely response to operational needs.


The implementation of airport wayfinding systems can elevate passenger experience at airports. By addressing key concerns such as passenger satisfaction, operational efficiency, and effective resource management, these systems offer well-rounded solutions that cater to the evolving needs of modern air travel. With Penguin Location Services, airports can not only enhance the overall passenger experience but also achieve significant operational improvements, ultimately driving higher satisfaction and revenue.


Enhancing Healthcare with IoT and Sensory Technologies

Revolutionizing Diagnostics with Medical Wearables

Medical wearables, a core component of the Internet of Things (IoT) in healthcare, are rapidly advancing the field of diagnostics. These at-home IoT healthcare devices represent a sustainable healthcare future, leveraging existing mobile and wearable technologies to create a network of complementary smart healthcare devices. These devices, embedded with low-power sensors and data processors, capture a wide array of biometric data, driving preventative care. Current sensor systems measure ECG, blood glucose, blood pressure, optical heart rate, body motion, oxygen saturation, and respiration rate, offering a comprehensive health overview.

Seamless Data Transmission and Real-Time Monitoring

Utilizing Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, IoT devices in healthcare transmit data to healthcare providers, ensuring real-time patient data is available for analysis and decision-making. This capability facilitates early intervention and supports remote patient monitoring, enhancing treatment compliance and rehabilitation. As a result, hospital visits are reduced, and healthcare becomes more accessible.

The Symbiotic Relationship Between AI and IoT

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and IoT work together to enable accurate biometric data collection in patients’ everyday environments. Distributed computing and data filtering reduce the demand on central computing resources and minimize the need for manual interventions. AI applications in healthcare, combined with IoT, help doctors understand the complex interactions between biological systems and the vast data sets collected, paving the way for future healthcare innovations.

Challenges in Adopting AI and IoT in Healthcare

Healthcare Data Security and Privacy

The widespread adoption of AI and IoT in healthcare is not without challenges. Data security and privacy are major concerns due to the interconnected nature of devices and cloud-stored healthcare data, making systems vulnerable to cyber threats. Ensuring robust cybersecurity measures is essential to protect patient data and support innovation in data collection and sharing.

Ensuring Data Reliability from At-Home Devices

High-quality, reliable data is crucial for the effective application of AI and IoT in healthcare. Inaccurate or incomplete data can lead to incorrect predictions or diagnoses, potentially harming patients. Verifying data quality from at-home medical wearables and incorporating redundancy and fail-safes are vital to ensure patient health. As these technologies are used outside direct medical supervision, intuitive design and active feedback loops are necessary to guide patients effectively.

Financial and Technical Barriers

Implementing AI and IoT technologies requires significant investment in infrastructure and training. Many healthcare institutions may lack the financial resources or technical expertise to adopt these technologies effectively. To ensure widespread adoption, healthcare systems must invest in scalable, financially accessible smart healthcare solutions.

Moving Towards a More Connected and Healthier Future

The potential of AI and IoT in healthcare is vast, offering opportunities for improved patient monitoring, diagnosis, and treatment. As we advance, it is crucial to recognize and address potential challenges to maximize patient outcomes and ensure a healthier future. By embracing these healthcare technologies, we can build a more connected and innovative healthcare system.

Prioritizing Infection Prevention: Essential Measures for Health Facilities

Infection prevention is a cornerstone of healthcare, crucial for safeguarding both patients and staff from harmful pathogens. Effective strategies can significantly reduce the spread of infections within healthcare settings. Working with healthcare practitioners and decision-makers, we feel the following are the priorities currently seen in North American healthcare facilities:

High-Quality Hand Hygiene Products

Effective hand hygiene is the first line of defense against infections. Using high-quality hand hygiene products, such as alcohol-based hand sanitizers and antimicrobial soaps, ensures that healthcare workers and visitors can maintain clean hands, reducing the risk of cross-contamination.

Proper PPE Supplied and Consistently Used

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), including gloves, masks, and gowns, is essential for healthcare workers to protect themselves and patients from infectious diseases. Ensuring proper supply and consistent use of PPE is critical in preventing transmission in healthcare environments.

Touchless Restroom Dispensers

Touchless restroom dispensers for soap, water, and paper towels help minimize contact with surfaces that may harbor bacteria and viruses. This technology not only enhances convenience but also reduces the risk of cross-contamination among staff, patients, and visitors.

Easy Access to Hand Hygiene Stations for Staff

Conveniently located hand hygiene stations throughout healthcare facilities encourage regular hand hygiene practices among staff. Easy access ensures that healthcare workers can clean their hands promptly before and after patient interactions, preventing the spread of infections.

Easy Access to Hand Hygiene Stations for Patients and Visitors

Similarly, providing accessible hand hygiene stations for patients and visitors promotes compliance with hand hygiene practices. Placing stations in high-traffic areas and patient rooms encourages everyone to maintain clean hands, contributing to a safer healthcare environment.

Elevated Disinfection of Facility Services

Regular and thorough disinfection of high-touch surfaces, equipment, and patient rooms is essential for preventing the transmission of infections. Using EPA-approved disinfectants and following proper cleaning protocols helps maintain a clean and safe healthcare facility.

Hand Hygiene Compliance Monitoring Systems/Processes

While not a top priority, technology for monitoring hand hygiene compliance among healthcare workers remains a key element in improving adherence to protocols. These systems track and analyze compliance rates, providing valuable insights that help identify areas for improvement and reinforce best practices. Healthcare RTLS technology can enhance these monitoring systems, offering real-time data and insights.

Ongoing Staff Education on Hand Hygiene

Continuous education and training programs for healthcare staff are crucial for reinforcing the importance of hand hygiene and updating them on the latest guidelines and best practices. Education empowers staff to take an active role in infection prevention, fostering a culture of safety within the healthcare facility.

Top Opportunities for Encouraging Good Hand Hygiene

Recognizing and rewarding good hand hygiene practices among healthcare workers can significantly boost compliance rates. Acknowledging staff members who consistently adhere to hand hygiene protocols reinforces positive behavior and promotes a culture of cleanliness.

Furthermore, ensuring easy access to hand hygiene products throughout healthcare facilities is essential. Placing hand sanitizers and soap dispensers in visible and accessible locations encourages regular hand hygiene practices among staff, patients, and visitors alike. RTLS for Patient Safety can assist in strategically placing these stations by analyzing foot traffic patterns.


By prioritizing these essential measures—ranging from effective hand hygiene practices and PPE use to facility disinfection and education—healthcare facilities can significantly mitigate the risk of infections. Each measure plays a vital role in creating a safe and hygienic environment for patients, visitors, and staff alike. Together, these strategies uphold the highest standards of infection prevention, ensuring healthcare facilities can deliver care with confidence and safety. Integrating Patient Care Technology and Hospital Safety Systems like Real-Time Patient Tracking further strengthens these efforts.

At Penguin Location Services, we provide a cost-effective approach to monitor hand hygiene compliance at the individual and department levels. To learn more about how we do this, please reach out to us at [email protected].

Overcoming Challenges in Implementing Infection Control Measures

Establishing and implementing infection control changes in healthcare settings is crucial for maintaining a safe and hygienic environment. However, several challenges can complicate these efforts, impacting adoption, costs, compliance monitoring, and overall effectiveness. Here’s a closer look at what makes these challenges particularly daunting, and how technology, such as Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS) for Patient Safety, can help:

Adoption by EVS/Housekeeping/Facility Management

Effective infection control relies heavily on the meticulous cleaning and disinfection of healthcare facilities by Environmental Services (EVS), housekeeping teams, and facility management staff. Ensuring these teams adopt and adhere to updated protocols and best practices is essential. Challenges may arise due to varying standards, workload pressures, and the need for continuous training and supervision.

Adoption by Clinicians/Medical Staff

Clinicians and medical staff play a critical role in infection prevention through proper hand hygiene, PPE use, and adherence to isolation protocols. However, changing behaviors and ingrained practices can be challenging. Resistance may stem from perceived disruptions to workflow, differing priorities, or inadequate training on new protocols.


Implementing robust infection control measures often requires significant financial investment. This includes purchasing high-quality disinfectants, upgrading facilities with touchless technologies, and investing in staff training and monitoring systems. Limited budgets or competing priorities within healthcare organizations can pose barriers to making necessary investments in infection prevention.

Lack of Support from Leadership

Strong leadership support is essential for driving organizational change and prioritizing infection control initiatives. Without visible endorsement from leadership, including adequate resources and clear communication of priorities, efforts to implement new infection control measures may lack direction and fail to gain traction among staff.

Monitoring Compliance

Monitoring compliance with infection control protocols is crucial for identifying gaps and ensuring adherence to best practices. However, implementing effective monitoring systems can be complex. Challenges include selecting appropriate metrics, integrating monitoring into existing workflows, and addressing privacy concerns related to data collection and reporting.

Resources for Change Management

Effective change management is pivotal in overcoming resistance to adopting new infection control measures. This includes providing ongoing education and training, fostering a culture of safety and accountability, and actively involving frontline staff in decision-making processes. Limited resources or expertise in change management can hinder successful implementation.

Can Technology Help?

Healthcare RTLS technology can significantly enhance infection control efforts by providing real-time tracking and monitoring of staff, patients, and equipment within healthcare facilities. RTLS for Patient Safety enables:

Enhanced Workflow Efficiency: By tracking the movement of staff and resources, RTLS helps optimize cleaning schedules, ensuring timely disinfection of high-touch areas and equipment.

Improved Contact Tracing: During outbreaks or infectious incidents, RTLS facilitates rapid contact tracing by identifying individuals who may have been exposed, enabling prompt isolation and treatment protocols.

Data-Driven Insights: RTLS generates valuable data on movement patterns and interactions, informing infection control strategies and resource allocation decisions.


Navigating the challenges of establishing and implementing infection control changes requires a coordinated effort across all levels of healthcare organizations. By addressing barriers such as adoption by EVS and medical staff, financial constraints, leadership support, compliance monitoring, and leveraging technologies like RTLS for Patient Safety, healthcare facilities can strengthen their infection prevention strategies. Investing in these areas not only enhances patient safety and outcomes but also fortifies the resilience of healthcare systems against infectious threats.

Ultimately, integrating technology and prioritizing effective change management practices are essential for overcoming challenges in infection control, ensuring healthcare facilities can deliver care with confidence and safety through advanced Patient Care Technology and Hospital Safety Systems like Real-Time Patient Tracking.

RTLS & CMMS – Unlocking More Efficiency in Healthcare

For healthcare, a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) is an absolute necessity. CMMS allows hospitals to meticulously monitor assets in need of maintenance, ensuring their safe and efficient operation. It also empowers staff to effortlessly generate work orders and compile lists of assets awaiting preventive repair and maintenance. Additionally, CMMS can help health systems plan out their equipment lifecycle and gather valuable insights. However, how far can it go with Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS)?


The Missing Piece: The Limitations of Conventional CMMS

While CMMS enhances hospital asset management, there is a critical part of the puzzle that remains absent in many of these systems: comprehensive information regarding the real-time location and status of equipment. CMMS might display the department to which a specific piece of equipment is assigned, but it does not provide any extra useful status information (such as location) to the team on the ground. This lack of data becomes a significant issue when it comes to quickly and effectively locating and retrieving the equipment when needed. The absence of this information can trigger a long and consuming activity of “search and rescue” wasting valuable hours in labor costs.

Considering the dynamic nature and intensity of hospitals, it’s surprising that numerous CMMS systems are not yet integrated with RTLS. CMMS systems were initially designed to optimize efficiency and uphold robust management protocols, but their effectiveness is significantly hampered when equipment location remains a constant challenge for ground staff.

Enhancing CMMS with RTLS Integration

Many hospitals have chosen to optimize the performance of their CMMS systems by incorporating RTLS. Through this integration of RTLS data with CMMS, they have achieved substantial savings in labor hours as staff members can now quickly locate equipment due for preventive maintenance. This seamless RTLS integration enhances staff productivity and key performance indicators, ensuring that critical maintenance tasks are completed on time.

The integration of Real Time Location Systems RTLS with CMMS not only streamlines the maintenance process but also mitigates the risk of missed maintenance, which could cause costly downtime of equipment, halting patient operations. Perhaps even more critically, an AI-RTLS-enabled CMMS opens the door to additional operational possibilities such as real-time location information, equipment insight, predictive maintenance, and much more. Staff can instantaneously locate and remove malfunctioning or recalled equipment, reducing potential hazards and ensuring a safer environment for both patients and staff.

Maximizing ROI: A Win-Win for Efficiency and Safety

By infusing your CMMS system with RTLS-based intelligence, your healthcare organization can secure a substantial return on investment while cultivating a safer environment for your patients and staff. The fusion of CMMS and RTLS isn’t just a technological enhancement; it’s a potent catalyst for efficient healthcare management and elevated patient safety. Hospitals that adopt this integrated approach are better equipped to manage their resources, improve patient care, and enhance operational efficiency.


In the dynamic healthcare landscape of 2024 and beyond, integrating RTLS with CMMS is essential for achieving operational excellence and superior patient care. This powerful combination allows hospitals to overcome the limitations of conventional CMMS, providing real-time visibility into asset locations and status. By enhancing maintenance processes and optimizing resource utilization, hospitals can significantly reduce labor costs, prevent equipment downtime, and ensure a safe environment for patients and staff. Embracing this technological integration is a strategic move that positions healthcare facilities at the forefront of innovation, ensuring long-term sustainability and a commitment to exceptional patient outcomes.

Enhancing Hospital Navigation: Addressing the Needs of Staff and Visitors

Navigating large hospital environments can be a daunting task for both staff and visitors. The complexity of these sprawling medical facilities often leads to confusion, inefficiency, and increased stress. Digital indoor navigation has been adopted by many hospitals as an innovative solution to improve navigation experience within hospital premises.

The Challenge of Hospital Navigation

Hospitals are intricate environments with extensive, interconnected buildings. This complexity frequently results in navigation issues for staff and patients alike, leading to stress, inefficiency, and potential safety risks. Recognizing these challenges, facility operators are looking at identified navigational difficulties across different stakeholders to specifically propose effective solutions.

Current Navigational Aids

Most hospitals employ various navigational aids, including color-coded lines on the floor, detailed signs, building plans, and staffed reception areas. Despite these efforts, many users still find it challenging to navigate these environments. Language barriers further complicate the situation, as signage is often available only in the local language, making it difficult for non-native speakers. Additionally, the size of the hospital and frequent renovations can render static signs obsolete, necessitating more dynamic and adaptable solutions.

Insights from Hospital Staff

To better understand the navigational challenges, Penguin has conducted a poll in a medical city to assess how hospital staff perceive the existing indoor navigation system. Many staff members frequently struggle to find their destinations within the hospital. 

Furthermore, staff members are often asked for directions by visitors and patients, disrupting their workflow and highlighting the inadequacy of existing navigational aids. The current signage is not well-suited for non-native speakers or individuals with mobility limitations, underscoring the need for more inclusive and adaptable solutions.

Proposed Solution: A Mobile Navigation Application

One promising solution to these challenges is the inclusion of a digital navigation solution with in the healthcare authority of facility mobile application. In the poll conducted, respondents expressed strong interest in such a feature, with many indicating a willingness to use it. Features identified for the app include accurate position estimation, real-time trajectory display on maps, multilingual support, and customization based on user mobility capabilities. Privacy protection and the ability to function without an internet connection were also labeled important.

Benefits of a Mobile Navigation App

Implementing a mobile navigation with a mobile hospital app offers numerous benefits. Firstly, it provides real-time, personalized navigation assistance, helping users find their destinations quickly and efficiently. The app can be updated dynamically, ensuring it reflects the latest changes in the hospital’s layout and signage. This adaptability is crucial in a constantly evolving environment like a hospital.

Additionally, the app can reduce the burden on staff who frequently provide directions, allowing them to focus more on their primary responsibilities. By integrating features such as appointment reminders and location sharing, the app can further enhance user convenience and improve overall hospital workflow.


Navigating large hospital environments is a complex task that significantly impacts the efficiency and stress levels of both staff and visitors. Recent studies highlight the need for improved navigational aids and propose the implementation of a mobile navigation application as a viable solution. By addressing the identified challenges and incorporating user requirements, such an application can enhance navigation, reduce stress, and improve overall hospital operations. Through these technological advancements, hospitals can create a more navigable, efficient, and user-friendly environment for everyone involved.