RTLS & CMMS – Unlocking More Efficiency in Healthcare

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RTLS & CMMS – Unlocking More Efficiency in Healthcare

For healthcare, a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) is an absolute necessity. CMMS allows hospitals to meticulously monitor assets in need of maintenance, ensuring their safe and efficient operation. It also empowers staff to effortlessly generate work orders and compile lists of assets awaiting preventive repair and maintenance. Additionally, CMMS can help health systems plan out their equipment lifecycle and gather valuable insights. However, how far can it go with Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS)?


The Missing Piece: The Limitations of Conventional CMMS

While CMMS enhances hospital asset management, there is a critical part of the puzzle that remains absent in many of these systems: comprehensive information regarding the real-time location and status of equipment. CMMS might display the department to which a specific piece of equipment is assigned, but it does not provide any extra useful status information (such as location) to the team on the ground. This lack of data becomes a significant issue when it comes to quickly and effectively locating and retrieving the equipment when needed. The absence of this information can trigger a long and consuming activity of “search and rescue” wasting valuable hours in labor costs.

Considering the dynamic nature and intensity of hospitals, it’s surprising that numerous CMMS systems are not yet integrated with RTLS. CMMS systems were initially designed to optimize efficiency and uphold robust management protocols, but their effectiveness is significantly hampered when equipment location remains a constant challenge for ground staff.

Enhancing CMMS with RTLS Integration

Many hospitals have chosen to optimize the performance of their CMMS systems by incorporating RTLS. Through this integration of RTLS data with CMMS, they have achieved substantial savings in labor hours as staff members can now quickly locate equipment due for preventive maintenance. This seamless RTLS integration enhances staff productivity and key performance indicators, ensuring that critical maintenance tasks are completed on time.

The integration of Real Time Location Systems RTLS with CMMS not only streamlines the maintenance process but also mitigates the risk of missed maintenance, which could cause costly downtime of equipment, halting patient operations. Perhaps even more critically, an AI-RTLS-enabled CMMS opens the door to additional operational possibilities such as real-time location information, equipment insight, predictive maintenance, and much more. Staff can instantaneously locate and remove malfunctioning or recalled equipment, reducing potential hazards and ensuring a safer environment for both patients and staff.

Maximizing ROI: A Win-Win for Efficiency and Safety

By infusing your CMMS system with RTLS-based intelligence, your healthcare organization can secure a substantial return on investment while cultivating a safer environment for your patients and staff. The fusion of CMMS and RTLS isn’t just a technological enhancement; it’s a potent catalyst for efficient healthcare management and elevated patient safety. Hospitals that adopt this integrated approach are better equipped to manage their resources, improve patient care, and enhance operational efficiency.


In the dynamic healthcare landscape of 2024 and beyond, integrating RTLS with CMMS is essential for achieving operational excellence and superior patient care. This powerful combination allows hospitals to overcome the limitations of conventional CMMS, providing real-time visibility into asset locations and status. By enhancing maintenance processes and optimizing resource utilization, hospitals can significantly reduce labor costs, prevent equipment downtime, and ensure a safe environment for patients and staff. Embracing this technological integration is a strategic move that positions healthcare facilities at the forefront of innovation, ensuring long-term sustainability and a commitment to exceptional patient outcomes.

Clinical Insights on Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS)

When it comes to healthcare, Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS) are making waves. These innovative systems are transforming the way hospitals and clinics operate, bringing a new level of efficiency and safety to patient care. 

Let’s explore some medical RTLS insights and applications and discover how these technologies are shaping the future of healthcare.

What Are Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS)?

First off, let’s break down what RTLS is. Essentially, RTLS is a technology used to automatically identify and track the location of objects or people in real-time, usually within a building or other contained area. Think of it as a high-tech GPS for indoor spaces.

How Does it Work?

So, how does RTLS work? It uses a combination of tags and sensors to monitor the whereabouts of medical equipment, staff, and even patients. These tags can be attached to anything that needs tracking. The sensors then communicate with each other to provide precise location data.

Clinical RTLS Applications

Enhanced Patient Tracking Systems

One of the most exciting applications of RTLS is in patient tracking. These tracking systems allow healthcare providers to know exactly where a patient is at any given moment. This is particularly useful in large hospitals where patients often move between departments for different tests and treatments. 

By knowing a patient’s location, staff can coordinate care more effectively and reduce wait times.

Asset Management

In a busy hospital, finding a specific piece of equipment can be like looking for a needle in a haystack. RTLS can track medical equipment such as IV pumps, wheelchairs, and diagnostic tools, ensuring that they are always available when needed. 

RTLS not only improves efficiency but also helps in maintaining an accurate inventory, saving time and money.

Staff Workflow Optimization

Healthcare RTLS also plays a vital role in optimizing staff workflows. By monitoring the location and movement of healthcare professionals, hospitals can streamline operations. 

RTLS ensures that the right staff members are in the right place at the right time, improving overall productivity and patient care.

Challenges and Considerations

While RTLS offers numerous benefits, it’s not without its challenges. The initial setup can be costly, and there may be concerns about privacy and data security. However, the long-term gains in efficiency and patient safety often outweigh these initial hurdles.

Healthcare facilities considering the implementation of RTLS should conduct thorough planning and pilot testing. This ensures that the system meets the specific needs of the facility and can be smoothly integrated into existing workflows.

The Future of RTLS in Healthcare

Looking ahead, the future of RTLS in healthcare is bright. As technology advances, we can expect even more sophisticated and user-friendly RTLS solutions. These innovations will further enhance patient care, streamline operations, and improve overall hospital efficiency.

RTLS is not just a technological trend; it is becoming a cornerstone of modern healthcare management. Hospitals and clinics that embrace RTLS are positioning themselves at the forefront of healthcare innovation.


In conclusion, Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS) are revolutionizing the healthcare industry. From patient tracking to asset management and workflow optimization, the benefits are substantial. As we continue to witness advancements in RTLS technology, its role in healthcare will only become more pivotal.

Stay ahead of the curve and consider exploring RTLS for your healthcare facility today. Embrace the future of healthcare with RTLS!

Ready to take the next step? Discover how RTLS can enhance the functionality of your healthcare facility.

Optimize Patient Throughput in Hospitals with Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS)

Every hospital can benefit from best practices in patient flow—even minor improvements can make a meaningful impact. Here are tips for improving patient flow and creating a healthier, happier, and safer facility. Here are 7 tips to help hospitals improve patient throughput:

Increase Communication and Goals Across All Hospital Departments

Patient throughput must be addressed at the hospital level. Every part of the hospital is connected, and the cause of a patient flow issue or bottleneck may occur several steps before its noticeable effect. For instance, a patient flow problem in the inpatient units may result from issues with discharge procedures. Therefore, all hospital staff members, including nurses, physicians, and administrators, must understand the objective of improving patient flow and the processes required to accomplish related goals.

The first step to improving patient flow is to create a team with representatives from every department. This team will identify issues, set goals, and oversee changes. They can start by drawing a patient throughput diagram to map the current design and measure performance, asking questions such as:

  • Are there any bottlenecks with the current patient flow process?
  • Are all the steps in the current flow necessary?
  • Can some of the steps be completed simultaneously?
  • Is there a better way to sequence the steps?
  • Can someone with fewer skills perform a particular step?
  • What technology can be used to make steps easier?

After identifying problem areas, the team should set goals. For example, the hospital can adopt technology like Penguin’s Clinical RTLS Applications to improve communication and streamline processes. Penguin’s Healthcare RTLS consists of wearables for staff, patients, and medical equipment, providing real-time data and integrating with other healthcare technologies to automate clinical processes.

Tighten Up Non-Clinical Services That Support Patient Care

Non-clinical staff members significantly impact patient flow. These include staff in transportation, housekeeping, billing, and administrative tasks. Management should evaluate non-clinical activities and find ways to improve their speed and efficiency. Here are tips for non-clinical services:

  • Invest in training: Ongoing training increases employees’ confidence, engagement, and motivation, leading to improved skills and patient satisfaction.
  • Embrace technology: Use technology to automate processes and reduce manual work. For example, healthcare facilities can use Penguin’s RTLS with medical equipment to enable biomed staff to locate equipment quickly with real-time locations.
  • Hire the right staff: Select individuals who fit the hospital’s values and focus on patient satisfaction. Suitable staff members want to be efficient and provide excellent service.

Uncover Blind Spots With Real-Time Location Data

Healthcare professionals often use data from systems like EHR to determine how long each step takes and improve workflows. However, this approach can create blind spots by failing to account for time between patient steps. Penguin’s Patient Tracking Systems can help uncover these blind spots by automatically collecting real-time patient throughput data. RTLS badges worn by patients provide real-time arrival-to-discharge data, allowing staff to modify processes as they happen.

Examples of Healthcare RTLS benefits:

  • Ambulatory Practice: Real-time queuing creates an orderly, compliant registration and rooming process.
  • Entire Patient Visit: Patient Tracking Systems measure patient wait times and notify staff of extended waits, enhancing efficiency.
  • Radiology and Imaging: Real-time knowledge of patient arrivals maximizes service delivery and minimizes wait times.
  • Operating Room: Medical RTLS Insights measure OR turnaround time accurately, notifying team members when rooms are ready and updating patient families automatically.
  • Communicable Diseases: Healthcare RTLS supports workflow redesigns to limit pathogen exposure and enables virtual waiting rooms with contactless check-in and self-rooming.
  • Contact Tracing: Healthcare RTLS provides data for efficient contact tracing and follow-up actions for staff and patients.

Track and Streamline Cycle-Time Measurements

Cycle time measures the duration of any process in the hospital, such as patient registration to discharge. Efficient cycle times improve patient throughput and reduce the need for additional resources. Leaders should follow the patient’s journey through the ED, using Penguin’s Medical RTLS Insights to gather real-time data automatically. This data helps identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies, enabling hospitals to make informed adjustments.

Additional tips to reduce cycle time:

  • Staff to meet demand: Ensure the ED has enough staff during peak times to meet patient demand.
  • Ensure supplies are easy to find: Use asset tracking to show staff the exact location and condition of critical resources.
  • Improve registration: Reduce check-in time by minimizing questions and using self-check-in/registration technology.

Increase Patient Flow in Hospitals With Penguin

When patients visit a hospital, they should feel cared for, safe, and appreciated. Staff should feel confident they have the resources, skills, and time to provide the best care possible. Technology like Penguin’s Healthcare RTLS helps reduce stress and simplify tasks for staff so they can focus on what matters most: patient care.

Hospital managers considering RTLS should reach out to Penguin. Penguin offers robust, easy-to-implement Clinical RTLS Applications to improve patient throughput and employee satisfaction. With Penguin, hospitals can reduce costs and increase efficiency as patient volumes continue to grow. To learn more, request a demo or contact us today.

IoT-Based Asset Tracking for Hospitals in 2024 – Future-proofing RTLS


In today’s rapidly evolving healthcare environment, adaptability is crucial. Technological resilience and proactiveness are vital for maintaining operational excellence and delivering superior patient care. IoT-based asset tracking for hospitals in 2024, utilizing BLE 5.1 and standard tags and infrastructure, has emerged as a transformative solution, equipping healthcare facilities to meet challenges, anticipate needs, and drive continuous improvement.

Future-proof with IoT Asset Tracking in Hospitals 

IoT asset tracking in hospitals, powered by BLE 5.1 technology, provides real-time visibility into asset locations, staff movements, and patient flows. This advanced tracking enhances resilience during disruptive events like natural disasters or disease outbreaks. By accurately tracking resources and optimizing deployment, IoT-based systems ensure continuity of critical operations, minimizing impacts on patient care during challenging times.

Proactive Resource Optimization with Healthcare IoT 

Healthcare IoT, incorporating BLE 5.1 and standard tags, fosters a proactive approach to operations by monitoring asset utilization and movement patterns. This allows healthcare facilities to anticipate resource needs, streamline workflows, reduce equipment downtime, and improve operational efficiency. This proactive mindset enhances patient outcomes and experiences, ensuring facilities stay ahead of evolving demands.

Multi-Stakeholder Benefits of Medical Asset Management 

IoT-based asset tracking, using standard tags and infrastructure, promotes technological resilience and proactiveness, benefiting various stakeholders:

  • Patients: Ensures continuity of care and minimizes disruptions, safeguarding well-being and fostering confidence in the healthcare system’s adaptability.
  • Healthcare Professionals: Provides real-time access to essential resources, enabling timely and efficient care, even in adverse conditions.
  • Facility Managers: Offers insights into resource utilization, aiding in proactive planning, risk mitigation, and operational optimization.

Driving Preparedness and Proactiveness in Smart Hospitals 

Integrating IoT-based asset tracking with BLE 5.1 into healthcare operations fosters a culture of resilience and proactiveness. Leveraging data from IoT systems allows organizations to assess preparedness, identify improvement areas, and implement strategies to enhance their ability to withstand disruptions and anticipate future challenges. This promotes adaptability and continuous learning, keeping healthcare facilities at the forefront of technological resilience.


In the dynamic healthcare landscape of 2024, technological resilience and proactiveness are essential for operational excellence and superior patient care. IoT-based asset tracking for hospitals, powered by BLE 5.1 and standard tags and infrastructure, fortifies healthcare organizations’ ability to withstand disruptions, anticipate resource needs, and optimize operations proactively. Embracing healthcare IoT and medical asset management cultivates a culture of resilience and proactiveness, ensuring long-term sustainability and a commitment to exceptional patient outcomes, marking the rise of smart hospitals and advanced hospital technology in 2024.

The Importance of Tracking Assets in Hospitals

In the fast-paced environment of healthcare, efficient asset management is crucial. Location-based Asset Management solutions combine wireless asset tags and an enterprise RTLS platform to continuously monitor and proactively manage mobile assets across the enterprise.


Are you ready for a better way to find and maintain mobile assets? Hospitals often face numerous challenges such as hundreds of hours spent searching for equipment, high-value assets being lost, stolen, or misplaced, poor utilization, unnecessary rentals and purchases, and delays as caregivers wait for the equipment that patients need.

Manual asset management costs hospitals time and money. It can affect patient care and impact staff morale too. Hospitals need an automated, facility-wide solution to transform mobile asset management.


Make it easy for caregivers to find what they need

Penguin’s Asset Management solution automates manual processes for managing capital and rental equipment—so staff can easily see the location and status of assets in real time. After being secured to assets, tags communicate wirelessly with our RTLS platform for automatic logging and monitoring of location and status.

Real-time alerts provide notifications for any status or location change, such as IV pump replenishment requirements, shrinkage alerts, or maintenance needs. Organizations can then transform asset data into powerful reporting to yield a better understanding of inventory levels, PAR Level performance, and asset utilization.

Caregiver accessing Penguin’s Asset Management Solution

How It Works

Why Penguin for Asset Management?

  • One source for a complete solution: Penguin offers a comprehensive solution for healthcare asset management, combining advanced technology and user-friendly interfaces.
  • One solution with endless possibilities and coverage: From tracking medical equipment to ensuring hospital efficiency, Penguin’s solution provides robust coverage for all asset management needs.
  • Cost-effective options: With Penguin, hospitals can implement a cost-effective asset management system that significantly reduces unnecessary expenses and improves overall operational efficiency.

Incorporating Penguin’s Asset Management system into hospital operations not only enhances the efficiency of hospital asset tracking but also ensures that healthcare providers can focus more on patient care rather than searching for equipment. Effective healthcare asset management is key to improving hospital efficiency and providing better care to patients.

Enhancing Hospital Efficiency

Effective hospital asset tracking is more than just knowing where equipment is located; it’s about improving the entire workflow. By minimizing the time spent searching for equipment, hospitals can reduce delays in patient care and ensure that critical devices are always available when needed. This leads to a more streamlined process, allowing healthcare providers to operate more efficiently and focus on delivering high-quality care to patients.

Reducing Costs and Increasing Utilization

With Penguin’s comprehensive asset management system, hospitals can significantly reduce costs associated with lost or misplaced equipment. By ensuring that all assets are accounted for and properly utilized, hospitals can avoid unnecessary purchases and rentals. This not only saves money but also optimizes the use of existing resources, ensuring that high-value assets are used to their fullest potential.

Proactive Maintenance and Management

Penguin’s real-time alerts and monitoring capabilities also allow for proactive maintenance and management of medical equipment. By receiving notifications about maintenance needs or potential issues before they become critical, hospitals can maintain their equipment in optimal condition, preventing breakdowns and ensuring that all devices are ready for use at any time.

Empowering Healthcare Providers

By automating and streamlining the asset management process, Penguin empowers healthcare providers to work more effectively. With quick access to necessary equipment, caregivers can respond to patient needs promptly, enhancing the overall patient experience and satisfaction. This not only improves patient outcomes but also boosts staff morale, as they can perform their duties without unnecessary stress and interruptions.

In conclusion, implementing Penguin’s Asset Management system in hospitals offers a multifaceted approach to improving healthcare operations. From enhancing hospital efficiency and reducing costs to empowering healthcare providers and improving patient care, effective healthcare asset management is a critical component of a well-functioning healthcare facility. Embrace Penguin’s advanced technology and comprehensive solutions to transform your hospital’s asset management practices and deliver the highest standard of care to your patients.